Priya Nath does not tell Shri Nathji about it – and the two of them walk out into the lawn through the outer bathroom door of the bedroom, which leads to the lawn. The two of them sit in the lawn for about ½ an hour, Shri Nathji breathing in the fresh air of the morning – which is somewhat polluted by smoke by leaf burners in the neighbourhood. Shri Nathji enjoys sitting in the lawn but refrains from walking, saying:“Na! Chalnaa to bilkul naheen hai!“No! We will not walk today!”Later as they come inside the relatively hot and stuffy bedroom, Shri Nathji says:“Kyaa svarg thhaa baahar!“What a Heaven it was outside!”Shri Nathji and Priya Nath return to the bedroom at 7 am and sleep for a while till 9 am. Shri Nathji’s total output is about 800 cc and His weight miraculously falls by 0.5 kg! His pulse rate remains at 72 and His Blood Pressure is 170/60, which later becomes 200/60 and Priya Nath gives Shri Nathji the morning Nifedipine.““We can take it now. It is almost four-o-clock.”PRIYA NATH PRESERVES THESE SMALL SNIPPETS OF CONVERSATION AS IF HE KNEW THESE ARE GOING TO BE THE LAST PRECIOUS WORDS THAT SHRI NATHJI IS USING ON THIS PLANET EARTH.Dr. (Col) Khanna had recommended a new drug ‘Flavedon’, introduced in India only 2 years ago, which was being used by only a few doctors and rejected by others. If it strengthens the heart it can be of great use to Shri Nathji. After a great amount of prayer, and much trepidation – and knowing of Shri Nathji’s sensitivity to new medicines – Priya Nath decides to give a tablet of Flavedon to Shri Nathji, who, very cheerfully swallows it, even as Priya Nath prays:“O Lord, please work through the Drug –O Lord, please!”Shri Nathji had always said:“For Priya Nath, both had become spontaneous. Earlier in the afternoon, Priya Nath had given Shri Nathji ‘Nestum’, the Baby Food, and then nimboo (lime) juice.“Vaayedaa to ho gayaa hai – maan lenaa chahiye! Khoob“I have made a Promise – you should accept it. You must remain very strong!”But, despite Shri Nathji’s consoling words, Priya Nath does not fully believe that Shri Nathji is going to get well. He recollects the story Shri Nathji used to tell of a child who demanded a bicycle from his father. His father always “promised” to get a bicycle – if only to keep the child contented for a while – but never actually brought one for him. “Tere vaade par jeeye ham to ye jaan jhoot jaanaa“I lived on Thy promise alone, knowing it to be falsePriya Nath felt no joy even after Shri Nathji had made his promise, and knew in his heart of hearts that it was just a consolation offered to him by Shri Nathji to keep him happy.“O Lord, the 6 am episode of a fast pulse when Shri Nathji was sitting, was also due to Thy Kindness to show me that it had nothing to do with Pitaji’s walk yesterday, but was a sinus tachycardia that came and went.”The day passes fairly peacefully. Shri Nathji eats very well, especially the lunch, which Priya Nath brings at 4:10 pm.