As Priya Nath slows down the ceiling fan, Shri Nathji lies asleep, lying on his left side, facing Priya Nath. It is a pose that Priya Nath likes most, for he can see Shri Nathji’s face all night, and count His breaths and also know when he needs to get up or whether He is asleep or awake. “Ab kaisaa haiShri Nathji replies: “Kaafi fark hai!“It’s much better now!”Priya Nath prays in His diary:“O Lord, please restore the fantastic health Thou hadst given to him this afternoon before lunch, when He was very cheerful and had said:“AisaaShri Nathji is concerned about Priya Nath staying awake and asks him affectionately:“Piyaji aap zaraa bhee naheen soye khaane ke baad?“Piyaji you haven’t slept at all since lunch time?”At 3 am, Priya Nath takes Shri Nathji’s Blood Pressure and finds it to be 170/65 and His Pulse to be 68 and regular, – which is a wonderful finding.“Better Shri Nathji falls asleep again, coughing slightly before going to sleep. It has become a nightly occurrence. Priya Nath is worried about the cough. Shri Nathji awakens briefly to say to Priya Nath:““Don’t worry about this. Many symptoms come and go. The eyes appear to be filled with brightness now. I thought maybe the blood pressure had fallen too low.”Shri Nathji was right. Earlier, Priya Nath had recorded a Blood Pressure reading of 160/65 during the day – which was treacherously low for Shri Nathji who had been accustomed to the higher values of 190/65 to 180/65.“Phir se“Become a pillar of health again!”Shri Nathji says consolingly:“Ab to“I am better now. The food was such that the stomach could not cope with it.”