In the evening there are the three Vig brothers – Ved Vig who lived in America, Vijai Vig who lived in Naini Tal, and Virendra Vig of Allahabad. Shri Nathji speaks to all three of them through the inner window.“Sometimes I do not listen to your prayers because I wish to give you something better than you desire!”Vijai Vig who was now a Regional Manager in the Bank of Baroda, always sent his prayers in his letters to Shri Nathji, but added at the end of every prayer:“Nevertheless, if it be THY WILL.”This was Shri Nathji’s definition of a perfect prayer. Shri Nathji would recall how in the early 1930’s, his devotee, Nawab Istafa Khan, would come and place his problems before Shri Nathji, but he would never ask Shri Nathji to remove them. “Nawab Sahib, how is it that you only narrate your difficulties to me but never ask me to remove them?”And Nawab Istafa Khan had replied:“HuzoorVirendra Vig of Allahabad had experienced Shri Nathji’s Invisible helping hand on so many occasions that he had this to say:“You are always with us each and every second of our lives. Whenever there is any difficulty in life we know you are watching over us in an Invisible way!”