On Saturday, April 18, 1992, Shri Nathji walks 50 rounds in the big room without any problems whatsoever. This was His miracle, done for the sake of Priya Nath.“Aapne to bahut kaam karnaa hai duniyaa men. Mere“You have a lot of work to do in the world. You have to spread my mission. The time has come for you to shine in the world – and also to reveal me!”As Priya Nath tries to understand why Shri Nathji had the suffocating feeling, as also the persistent high blood pressure, he recollects Mrs. Ojarkar telling him that she was a patient of Asthma and High Blood Pressure! Apparently Shri Nathji had taken upon His own gentle body her symptoms.“Vo“If that ring could be found, perhaps it would change the present circumstances.”Alas! The ring was never found.“Piyaji neend kyon naheen aa rahee?“Piyaji, why have you not been sleeping?”It was not only Priya Nath who kept a vigil over Shri Nathji during the nights, it was also Shri Nathji who kept a vigil over him, looking anxiously at him whenever he was awake and enquiring from him why he had not slept.