Priya Nath prays for Divine Help. An impulse comes into him to speak to Shri Vasudeva on the telephone. Priya Nath calls Shri Vasudeva and is appalled at what he has to say. Shri Vasudeva urges him to replace Dr. Gadhoke at once. He narrates a very sorry experience that his mother-in-law had at the hands of the doctor. “It was not a heart attack.”He also adds that Depin-Nifedipine is a medicine that many cannot tolerate at all, and this is the cause of Shri Nathji’s weakness. He says that some people find even one tablet of 5 mg difficult to tolerate. And here was Shri Nathji being given a 10 mg tablet three times a day! “With a beauty like this, small wonder that the evil eye struck him–Shri Nathji and Priya Nath embrace each other with joy even as Dr. Corolli leaves. The news is too good to be true. It was precisely what Shri Nathji had been saying: that there was no heart attack –or even if there had been a heart attack, Shri Nathji had caused it to disappear for Priya Nath’s sake.