Imperial Hotel on Janpath was booked for a Press Conference on the 19th of June 1985. Shri Nathji was especially fond of the place, and Priya Nath liked the word “Imperial” which was an appropriate description for the Emperor of the World.“What will be the meaning of the World Prayer Day for the Russians who don’t believe in God?”Shri Nathji had replied:“They may not believe in God, but they believe in Peace!”Shri Nathji had often said: “God is Love and God is Peace. Even an atheist desires Love and Peace. Thus directly or indirectly everyone in the world is going towards God!”“Rishtaye ulfat men jab paro saktaa thaa too unkoWhen thou couldst have threaded them together in a string of Love“The time is coming when all shall know that they have one Father and that all are His children. It is now or never!“I AM NOT THIS BODY!“I call out to the whole world–your servant has come! Accept him! You must accept him!“Har ke az dil rezad bar dil khezadThat which comes from the heart must go to the heart“My voice cannot be stopped. Truth crushed into the earth shall rise again! No power on earth can stop it. God is Truth!“Peace, peace, peace be unto all!“Let the whole world be flooded with the waves of peace and the waves of love.”A reporter asked Shri Nathji: