February 22 is the birthday of Pran Nath which Shri Nathji always celebrated with great enthusiasm every year. However, this February starts in a dreadful way.“Samai ki dhaaraa aapke saamne kayi cheezon ko laayi ..ek aur cheez bhee laayi aur vo hai aapkaa Bhola Nath..meraa honaa mere naa hone ki taraf jaa rahaa hai..”Then Priya Nath plays the Baba Fareed and Qutb narration in his voice explaining the significance of the divinity of Pran Nath. And then there are the ghazals of Shri Nathji:“Ye Maahe Farvaray aayaa Payaame Zindagi lekar“The month of February has brought with it a Message of Life”“Nakaab rukh se uttaake ab too jahaan ki nazaron men phir se aajaa“Lift up the veil from Thy Face and appear before the eyes of the world”Finally there is the chanting of “Jai Jai Shri Bhola Nath Hare”, even as the curtains are pulled back and the devotees file past the window bowing their heads at the window sill. It is the only function in years in which Shri Nathji has not spoken a word. Priya Nath had asked him to take absolute rest and to observe complete silence so as not to strain himself. And Shri Nathji had obeyed him like a child.