These are the days when Shri Nathji is seen writing feverishly in English with his black quill pen, on long sheets of foolscap paper. It is only he who is capable of writing such long letters while reclining in such an uncomfortable posture in bed.THIS LETTER SHALL REMAIN IN HISTORY AS THE GREATEST WEAPON THAT SHRI NATHJI USED TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM A NUCLEAR WAR. THIS LETTER CHANGED THE FATE OF THE WORLD. IT CHANGED THE ENTIRE GLOBAL SCENE FROM ONE OF THE FEAR OF ANNIHILATION TO THAT OF A HOPE FOR A LASTING PEACE. IT CHANGED THE HEARTS OF THE WORLD LEADERS.As Shri Nathji would say:“Thhaa kuchh na kuchh jo phaans see iss dil men chubh gayi“There was something that went and pierced the heart,Shri Nathji also used to say:““A change in the angle of vision changes everything Even while Shri Nathji was continuing with His crusade of the World Prayer Day, he sent this Ram Baan to halt the nuclear confrontation on an urgent basis. SHRI NATHJI’S HISTORIC LETTER TO REAGAN AND GORBACHEVApril 28,1986 Dear Mr. Reagan and Mr. Gorbachev,You will be surprised at receiving this letter from someone you do not know. I am the servant of the earth i.e. Ghulam Rue Zameen.“Do unto others as ye would that they do unto you.”This Golden Rule is working all the time in the depths of the conscience of man. To not to follow this rule is to go against one’s own conscience or against the Word of God written down on the clean states of the souls, minds and hearts.I have firm faith that if all the people of the world turn to God in Prayer, He will change the hearts of men and bring Peace and Love into the world.The first World Prayer Day was held in June 1984, and since then I have been continuing with this work every June in every year. This year the World Prayer Day is being held on the 23rd of June 1986.“Pray wherever you are in whatever way you like-for Peace upon earth.”God understands the hearts of all the people living upon this earth. May HE grant enlightenment to all the hearts.On the 29th of April 1986 there is Shri Nathjji dressed in his bark brown shiny achkan that always hangs on the wall next to his bed. He is looking incredibly beautiful and radiant to Priya Nath.The achkan always makes Shri Nathji look very loveable and cute and even plump- ‘buggoo’ -is the word, Priya Nath has, for Shri Nathji in this achkan.“MAIN BARRE MAHAAN VISHWA KALYAAN KE KAAM KE LIYE JAA RAHAA HOON! THIS IS A HISTORIC DAY! WAR“I am going out on a very important task for the Salvation of the world! THE WAR MUST BE STOPPED!”AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THIS LETTER THE ENTIRE FACE OF THE WORLD CHANGED IN A TRICE, MAKING SHRI NATHJI’S VERSE RING TRUE:“Badle hai koyi aan men ab range zamaana“Someone shall change the face of the world in a trice,That ‘Someone’ was Shri Nathji–the Grand Creator suffering in human form, as a mortal amongst mortals, but possessed with this Infinite Power to change the Face of the Earth. One could hardly believe that it was the same Shri Nathji one saw at home, weak and ill with a heart ailment. “DON’T THINK I AM THIS SICK OLD MAN IN BED! Shri Nathji is in a state of Divine Bliss. His mission in life is, in fact, now complete. He knows his letter will stop the war.