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He would warn people about the elusive nature of time:
The past has gone, you cannot bring it back. The future has not come, and you cannot force it to come before its appointed time.  And each and every moment of the present is slipping into the past. It is in that transitory moment of time that the life of man exists.
You say that you exist. But in which moment of time do you exist? In that moment which is past? No. In that moment of the future which has not come? No. You say that you exist in the present. But let me ask you – where is the present? The moment you say ‘This is the present’, it is gone, and becomes the past!”
This moment before you is not an ordinary one, Shri Nathji said, It is very important, for it comes after the passing away of many days, weeks, months and years! With so much behind it, the moment must be treated with respect, and not wasted! One must realise God–now! In this very moment!

Aayaa hai tu jahaan men misaale sharaar dekh.
Dam de n jaaye hastiye naapaayedaar dekh.

O man! Thou hast come into this world like a flash of lightning,
Beware, lest transient life deceive thee.

What is Death? Shri Nathji would often say, Death is the next moment.
Death is an awakening from the dreams of life.”

There were moments when Shri Nathji’s Light Divine would be radiating with full force and he would say to people:
Your work is over!  You have nothing more to do. The ship has come, which will carry you across the waters of Life and Death.