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A certain man was passing by a field where he saw pumpkins attached to flimsy creepers near the ground. He wondered why such large vegetables should have such thin branches that held on to them.
“He looked upwards at mangoes on a tree and saw the thick firm branches of the mango tree. And he thought to himself:  ‘Surely the creation of God is at fault here. These large pumpkins should have been attached to those thick firm branches of the tree, while these small mangoes could well have been with these thin branches on the ground.
Even as he was thinking this, a mango fell from the tree and hit him on the nose. All of a sudden an awakening came to him. He thanked God it was not a pumpkin! God’s creation was perfect; he had no right to criticise it! If God had made the pumpkins large and heavy, he had also placed them on the ground where they could not hurt anyone. The mangoes, being of lighter weight, were rightly placed on the tree.
There are no flaws in God’s Creation.
“The imperfect cannot understand the perfect. A part cannot understand the whole.”
When someone said to Shri Nathji: God created the world, but he made it very imperfect!
And Shri Nathji said to him: So that some work could be left for you as well–to make it more perfect!
It is not enough to say that there is misery in the world. You have to ask yourselves: what is your part in this drama of life?–and then help eradicate that misery.