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Shri Nathji sat in the visitors’ gallery at the United Nations with earphones around his ears, listening to the political harangue of some delegate in the General Assembly. Mr. Mandel and Priya Nath were also with him.
Within a matter of minutes, both, Mr. Mandel and Shri Nathji, had fallen asleep, the earphones droning out the political speech in their ears. The sleeping figures of Mr. Mandel and Shri Nathji were ample evidence of the fact the political speeches could lull both man and God into sleep.
Shri Nathji had tea and snacks at the United Nations Cafeteria, and, thereafter, left the building, after leaving his blessings behind. These blessings would remain in an invisible form in the atmosphere, bringing a greater sense of peace and justice into the assemblies of nations.