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Zarine and Baji Tavadia were the co-proprietors of the Metro­pole Hotel at Naini Tal. They had seen Shri Nathji and had assumed he was a Maharaja.
Something within them, however, felt an inner attraction towards Shri Nathji. They wanted to meet him and talk to him. The day arrived finally, when Shri Nathji was leaving Naini Tal.
The meeting was brief, over tea. Shri Nathji spoke to the handsome Parsee couple for one hour and bathed their souls with an inner ­light. Tears came into their eyes. They saw in Shri Nathji the holi­est of the holy: Our Divine Father, they were to refer to him thereafter.
A spiritual relationship was established that was to last over many years. Shri Nathji’s work in Naini Tal was over. Perhaps it was for these seeking souls that he had gone to the city.
The Tavadias had presented Shri Nathji a thermos flask on the eve of his departure from Naini Tal, and Shri Nathji always retained the flask with affection, remembering the Parsee couple each time he drank from it, and sending them his blessings.
Some time later, Mrs.Tavadia’s mother came down with a seri­ous ailment in Bombay. Doctors had given up all hope. The Tavadias sent their prayer to Shri Nathji. A miracle occurred. The illness disappeared all by itself.
Shri Nathji had a special affection for Par­sees, who appeared to have an instinct for spiritual truths. Justice Nanavati, Homi S. Karai, and now the Tavadias, were all touched by Shri Nathji’s light divine.
Shri Nathji often spoke of the legendary philosopher’s stone–the Paaras Patthar– which converted everything it touched to gold, and he would fondly compare the Parsees to the Paaras.
Parsees were worshippers of God in the form of Light, and Shri Nathji was the Sun of Spirituality. It was but natural that there be recognition.