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Shri Nathji had once said:
“When I appear before people, I do so from behind a countless number of veils. If even one of the veils were to be rent, people would lose all control over themselves. I have to conceal myself with all the power at my disposal. If I were to give absolute and complete recognition to the people of the world that I was God come down upon earth in human form, then I would be crushed out of existence by the large crowds that would converge upon me!
“I can call the whole world to myself, but where will I keep it? The whole world is mine to begin with, anyway, so I do not have any need to convert anyone to myself.”
Shri Nathji had never projected himself as God before the people of the world but had always veiled his godliness behind the title of Ghulam Rue Zameen – the servant of the earth. He was content to be described as Swamiji, or even as a Raja, Maharaja or Seth.