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As the winter of 1952 came upon Shri Nathji at Mussoorie, and Allen Memorial Boys’ High School closed for the winter by the 20th of November, Shri Nathji began making plans to go to the plains. It had become more imperative than ever because of Mateshwari’s delicate health.
There were earnest prayers from the Allahabad devotees who had been left waiting in January 1952. Sardar Harbhajan Singh Chopra wanted to send a devotee, Jai Shanker Bajpai, to bring Shri Nathji to Allahabad.
Shri Vaid Raj Sudhanwa and Shakuntala of Delhi prayed to Shri Nathji to come and grace their home.
Now that Shri Bhutt had gone from Delhi the only place where Shri Nathji could have desired to stay in Delhi was Shri Vaid Raj’s house. And it was thus that Shri Nathji decided to go to Delhi first and then to think of going to Allahabad later.
Shri Nathji, Mateshwari, Pran Nath and Priya Nath left Mussoorie by the end of November 1952. This time they took the Standard car with Victor behind the wheel.