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Shri Nathji used to say:
“One day I saw R.R. Khanna sitting outside my door with my shoes on his head. I asked him what he was doing and he said to me:
‘Huzoor akal ko thhikaane lagaa rahaa hoon!’ Huzoor, I am stilling the conflict of intellectualism that disturbs my faith!”
Truly those who walked on the path of faith had to struggle against their own minds, which tried to lessen their faith.
Shri Nathji had said in his Urdu Verse written in his famous booklet “A Message of Peace”:

Kar tark khudee kee aadat ko or katre se dariyaa ban jaa
Ho maihav zaraa asleeyat men aur zarre se saiharaa ban jaa

Renounce all thought of my and mine, and from a drop become the sea
Lose thou thyself in truth divine and know thou art infinity.

There was also Shri Nathji’s verse that explained Bhutt’s situation perfectly:

Kaam mere mere banaaye ban naa saken, Khudaa kare
Taake shak naa aajaaye mujhe kudrate kaarsaaz men

Let my works never succeed with my own efforts, if the Lord Will,
So that I may never doubt the Maker of all things.