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There was the touching scene when Priya Nath, in his fight against the forces of evil, had to meet the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in his chambers and had to leave Shri Nathji behind, alone in the house, because Shri Nathji was too ill to accompany him. “Raihmate Haq bahaa nami joyadThose were the days when visitors continued to pour in at all times of the day. There was a certain Colonel Sharma who came for Shri Nathji’s darshan along with a naval officer friend of his, a certain Shri Bhargava. Shri Nathji was in a powerful mood that day and spoke to them with great power. “There is not to make reply, “This should be the spirit of a devotee walking on the path of God:“Main Bhav Sagaar se paar karne naheen aayaa,No saint, or mahatma or prophet or avatar could have made such a powerful proclamation.