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There is the familiar sight of Shri Nathji reading the morning newspaper. Shri Nathji is reading an article on Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shanker. Shri Nathji had always maintained that the real Mount Kailash where Lord Shanker lived was Mussoorie!“Yehi Kailaash bhoomi hai ke jiss men devtaa aaye“This is the Kailash Mountain on which the angels had come,It was a secret only Shri Nathji could have known, because HE was Lord Shanker Incarnate. Historians and religious philosphers could only guess and never be certain where Mount Kailash–the real abode of Lord Shanker was. This was perhaps the secret of Shri Nathji’s stay at Mussoorie, the instant rejuvenation of his health there, and the sense of identity he felt with the mountains.