Of all of Shri Nathji’s devotees, the one who felt she had special rights over Shri Nathji was Mata Tara Devi. She belonged to the family of the Bery Brothers. Her brother was Shri Permanand Bery who had great faith in Shri Nathji.
Mata Tara Devi had first come before Shri Babaji Maharaj in Amritsar. At the time Shri Babaji Maharaj had cast but one glance at her and she had fallen unconscious with the Glory of His light. Since that day in 1934, right up to the last moments of her life 50 years later, she had carried the light of Shri Babaji in her heart and soul.
She would treat Shri Nathji like a son, and even sometimes chide him and quarrel with him. This was a right which only she amongst all devotees enjoyed. She would be constantly urging Shri Nathji to attend to the sufferings and injustices prevailing in the world.
In 1946 she wrote a letter to Shri Nathji complaining that his photo had not been given to her by Sri Krishen Khanna despite Shri Nathji’s promise; that she was being neglected and was in severe need of his blessings.
In her letter she wrote: “Have mercy upon the people of the world! The good and the bad both have been created by you. There are wars and pestilences in the world. Please stop them. Only you can do it. Lahore is in a bad state, you must save it.
“O Nathji! It has been almost three years since Shri Babaji Maharaj appeared before you and gave you the white horse to ride upon, so that you could stride forth and reveal yourself to the world! It is too late already—have mercy upon us. Raiham karo!”
She had been present at Prince Hotel, Mussoorie, when Mateshwari had had the vision of Shri Babaji Maharaj descending from the heavens to deliver a white horse to Shri Nathji, on which he was to ride forth to spread his Glory to the world. At his feet lay the kings and emperors and the nations of the world.