For the time that Mrs. Bhutt stayed with Shri Nathji at Delhi, she sought permission to enact her drama “Divya Darshan” in the city. Shri Nathji gave her permission and Mrs. Bhutt enacted the drama at Sapru House on Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. The drama was written on Shri Nathji and explained the advent of the avatar upon earth in a very dramatic way to the audiences. It was her firm belief that anyone who saw the drama with complete faith would be rewarded by God.
Mrs. Bhutt invited Shri Nathji to give the inaugural speech at Sapru House. In his speech, Shri Nathji did not mention the fact that the drama had been written about him and that he was the one known as “Divya Darshan” in the drama.
Shri Nathji was so concerned about the feelings of people that he asked Mrs. Bhutt to change the words of Kasturilal’s bhajan from “Be-akal insaan”–“O ignorant man!” to “Ai akalmand insaan”–“O Intelligent man!”
Shri Nathji had never believed in proselytising or preaching about his own self. He had always let others experience God in him, and had never to say so directly himself.
Shri Nathji did not fully approve of some of the scenes in Mrs. Bhutt’s drama, but all the same it was an enlightening drama and brought about an awakening in many people. Mrs. Bhutt would never tell people that the drama had been written about Shri Nathji. It was only if there were any sincere seekers after truth, who would ask whether the drama were a reality, that she would lead the persons to Shri Nathji. For the rest of the world it was just a beautiful idea–portraying God upon earth in human form, walking in the midst of mankind.
There was the very dramatic scene in the drama when a man’s car was stranded on the road and there was no one to help him. Just then a very handsome figure appeared out of nowhere and applied his finger to the car–and the car started all by itself. It was the Avatar. Indeed, history would look back upon this time and often try to conjecture what that human form of God was like upon earth. Mrs. Bhutt had tried to preserve it in the scenes of the drama as best as she could.
The drama had a scene showing Shri Nathji’s verses being quoted by the central character, known as Divya Darshan:
Mujhe pakrro, mujhe pakrro, mujhe pakrro koyi,
Rind maston kaa Shaihenshaah hoon mujhe pakrro koyi
Come and catch me those who will,
I am the Lord of those intoxicated in Love