Another dreadful finding that made Priya Nath almost faint with shock was that there was no left kidney or else it had stopped functioning due to the cancer. “Shri Nathji went to great pains to comfort Priya Nath and to tell him that he was all right and that nothing could happen to him.Shri Nathji consoled Priya Nath with his soothing words: ““When do you ever quarrel with me? You look after me with such care. Who can love me like yourself? I am perfectly all right and shall remain so. I promise you!”Shri Nathji would recline on his bed in his usual pose, writing ghazals, and occasionally humming a few words. He would ask Priya Nath to record a ghazal even though Priya Nath’s heart was too heavy to play music. Shri Nathji would also listen to the earlier ghazals of “Don’t worry! I will be all right!”Priya Nath’s misery was indescribable. He had always been worried when Shri Nathji spoke of the crucifixion of Christ for the sins of the world, and he was afraid Shri Nathji may go too far in inflicting terrible suffering upon himself. He wept endlessly at the thought of the dear, gentle body of the most loveable person upon earth, one who had only given happiness and peace to people in sorrow, enduring so much of physical suffering. Cancer was considered the ultimate in horror from the medical point of view.“Isse liye main kaihtaa thhaa ke sab kaam khatam kar lene chaahiyen“That is why I keep saying that we must complete all our works. One does not know what may come next in life at any moment. Nobody lives forever.”Those were the hot days of September, and Shri Nathji would be seen walking about the house in his white shirt and pyjamas carrying the catheter bag in his hand as if it were a very normal thing to do, undaunted, unafraid, and fully convinced that the doctors were wrong. Such was the strength with which Shri Nathji faced the terrible diagnosis of cancer, which would have shattered the bravest of men and plunged them into gloom and depression.