Many a time Priya Nath has to bring the small typewriter on his bed and sit there and type out long petitions and applications while Shri Nathji continues writing ghazals in his bed. While typing in his bed, Priya Nath has the consolation of knowing that he is sitting close to Shri Nathji. However, he wonders how Shri Nathji can concentrate on writing ghazals so perfectly even with the typewriter noise in the room.“Piyaji, gas off However, Shri Nathji’s health shows a dramatic improvement with Priya Nath’s cooking which he greatly relishes. “Kamaal kaa svaad kaa khaanaa Piyaji banaate hain. Log ungliyen chaat kar khaayaa karte thhe Mussoorie men!”“What wonderful food Piyaji cooks. People used to lick their fingers when they ate it in Mussoorie!”And all this praise was for the