Shri Nathji’s visit to Dalhousie left a bewildered populace wondering from where such a Divine Being had come, and why he had hidden himself for so long. A Divine Glow shone from his face. His Divine Beauty was such as to win the hearts of all. Never before had the world seen such a beautiful and handsome Being. Shri Nathji conquered the hearts of all. Once again there were the scenes of divine revelation and intense devotion and faith, and multitudes following him with tears in their eyes. From Dalhousie Shri Nathji went to Chamba.
When Shri Nathji came to Chamba State, the Hindus and Muslims there together joined hands and laid out the rugs-darees-at the Sanatan Dharam Mandir where Shri Nathji was to speak. Pandits and intellectuals of repute, who otherwise never went anywhere, came to listen to Shri Nathji’s divine flow of words and were overwhelmed with a divine intoxication, which they had not experienced before.
Multitudes followed him everywhere with tears in their eyes. No one could believe that such a Being existed upon the earth. He had come from the heavens and won their hearts. People were experiencing God in him. The word Avatar was on the lips of all. It appeared as if people everywhere had come to know of Shri Nathji’s avatarhood without a word being said. The forces of Nature were working to make their Creator known wherever he went.
During the time Shri Nathji was in Chamba State, people of status, Rai Bahadurs, and Maharajas were amongst those who attended his darbaar. However, Shri Nathji’s spiritual flow only gushed forth when a poor, retired schoolmaster made his appearance amongst them. Because of that one man, Shri Nathji would drench the entire gathering with His Blessings. Shri Nathji’s audiences would eagerly wait for the poor schoolmaster to arrive and let him sit directly in front of Shri Nathji so that Shri Nathji’s Divine Grace would overflow. Spiritual thirst did not differentiate between status. The rich as well as the poor – both could be in possession of it. It was not the monopoly of any one person.
Shri Nathji had often said:
Tahi daston kaa rutbaa aihle daulat se zyaadaa hai
Suraahi sar ke bal jhukti hai jab paimaanaa ataa hai
The worth of empty hands is greater than all of wealth,
The goblet must bow its head with the coming of the cup
When Shri Nathji was leaving Chamba, the entire city appeared to follow him to the outskirts, weeping. Shri Nathji said to the Chief Secretary of Chamba State, Shri Madho Ram, who had developed a great devotion for him:
Madho Ramji your Chamba does not leave me!
And the Chief Secretary replied:
O Nathji! It is you who are not leaving Chamba! You have captured the hearts of all and are taking them with yourself!
From Chamba, Shri Nathji returned to Dalhousie where again similar scenes were witnessed. After Shri Nathji had filled the hearts of all with his divine nectar, and his work there appeared to be over, he left a tearful Dalhousie, and went to Jullunder.