The crowds that came to Shri Nathji during those days were so persistent and so large, that attending to them was telling on Shri Nathji’s health. Shri Dwarka Nath had guards posted outside Shri Nathji’s chambers, and visitors were allowed strictly by appointment. The restrictions on Shri Nathji’s hours were of little practical help, however, because Shri Nathji would continue to talk to the crowds from a little window in his room upstairs.
A certain schoolmaster who was thirsty for Shri Nathji’s darshan slipped into the house while the guard’s back was turned, and ran for Shri Nathji’s room. He was found and taken outside by the guard and Shri Dwarka Nath. His thirst for Shri Nathji’s darshan only grew. The darshan of God–a meeting with God for His benedictions–was a very precious moment for all believers. It could bring them salvation.
The schoolmaster wrote a letter to Shri Dwarka Nath: Sir, forgive me for having deceived your guard and for entering without permission. I am a sinner. And I must write this letter in expiation of my sins. You have taken all these measures to preserve Shri Nathji’s health. But I broke the law, I demand punishment. I am willing to serve as the chowkidar of your house in place of that guard. I will not ask for any salary. I shall merely be content with the glimpses I can catch of Shri Nathji all the day long.
The actual letter was an Urdu poem. Such was the Love that Shri Nathji inspired in people.