There were the devotees, Devki Nandan and Ram Saran Das Kapoor, who measured the entire length of the circle around Shri Nathji’s house in Lucknow with their semi-clad bodies, prostrating themselves in succession, for a full circumference of half-a-mile or so. They were taking a Parikrama of God’s house. Shri Nathji was so touched by their devotion that he washed their dust-laden bodies with well water freshly obtained.
Ram Saran Kapoor and his wife, Pardhaana, had absolute and complete faith that Shri Nathji was God upon earth. Their son and daughters had the same faith as they did in Shri Nathji, and regarded him as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu upon earth.
Hari Kapoor the eight year old son of Ram Saran would brave the traffic-ridden streets of Lucknow to come alone to the darbaar of Shri Nathji at Lucknow. He was later to rise from very humble beginnings to become a famous news broadcaster over All India Radio and Voice of America. In later years many a time he was miraculously saved from life-threatening heart attacks.
It was the intense faith of the Ram Saran Kapoor family in Shri Nathji that led them through many difficulties in life.
Many a time the family of Ram Saran Kapoor would say to Shri Nathji: “Give us flags carrying thy name so that we may tell the entire world that the Lord has come upon earth!”
Ram Saran Kapoor’s wife, Pardhaana, would frequently sing the following bhajan on Shri Nathji:
Gharri aaj ki pyaari pyaari mubaarik,
Gulon ko ye fasle bahaari mubaarik
Auspicious is this joyous moment today
Auspicious the blooming of flowers in spring
Tumhen duniyaa vaalo ye duniyaa mubaarik
Hamen apne Nathji daataa mubaarik
O people of the world, you are welcome to your worldly glory,
For us there is the Glory of our Benevolent Nathji alone!
Liyaa deeno ke hit avataar tumne
Hamen deentaa apni pyaari mubaarik
Thou hast come as an avatar for the poor,
How blessed is our poverty now
The faith of Ram Saran Das and his wife Pardhana was to endure for over fifty years, right up to the last moments of their lives.