Sahadeva Tayal arrived from Hissar and expressed deep shock at the going of Mateshwari. He recalled how Mateshwari had once said to him in Punjabi at Kahkashan Cottage at Mussoorie in 1947:
“Sahadevaji, aithhe jo kuchh hove onnoo Rabb hee Rabb samjho! Whatever happens here think of it as God, and only God!”
And Sahadeva had replied:
“Maa, aapne to meri maayaa hee har lee! O Mother! You have removed the illusion of Maayaa from me!”
Sahadeva was one year younger than Shri Nathji, and Bhutt Sahib was one year older than Shri Nathji. It was a measure of Shri Nathji’s great Truth that those who had faith in him retained this faith for years and years, and finally left the world with this light of faith burning in their hearts.