On Ram Naami, it was Solao’s birthday. He left the darbaar of Shri Nathji and went to Ayodhya, the birth-place of Rama. As he paid his obeisances to the image of Rama in Ayodhya, he heard the voice of Lord Rama speaking to him:
Solao! What are you doing here in Ayodhya! I exist as Shri Nathji in Nagpur! Go back to his darbaar!
Solao returned from Ayodhya, excited and frightened. The voice had produced a thrill in his heart. He returned to Shri Nathji’s darbaar and fell at his feet. He understood, then, that Shri Nathji was none other than Lord Rama.
Never before had Nagpur witnessed such a personality. Never before had God walked in the midst of mankind so openly. Hundreds and thousands of people flocked to Shri Nathji at places like the Geeta Mandir and the Ram Mandir. It was as if Lord Krishna had come alive and was reciting the Geeta once again, or like Lord Rama speaking to his devotees.