In-between this period, when Shri Nathji was still not well enough to walk, Mrs. Gangabai Bhutt carried through her ceremony of ‘Tula’–the weighing of Shri Nathji with ordinary coins. Since Shri Nathji was not present, his large-sized photograph was weighed instead, with all necessary rites and rituals. Mrs. Bhutt did not allow anyone to deposit even a penny into the weighing. To her it was a purifying ritual. She wished to keep the punyas-the fruits of this holy act, all to herself. Perhaps it was because of this spiritual greed on her part that Shri Nathji failed to appear at this all-important function.
Mrs. Bhutt had frequently said to Shri Nathji: I have but two desires left in life–one is to perform the ‘Tula’ ceremony, and the other is to witness the wedding of Priya Nathji. And then, I shall be quite prepared to leave the world.
But I have need for you in this world,” said Shri Nathji.
And Mrs. Bhutt’s Bhajans rang out in Shri Nathji’s ‘darbaar’ at Nagpur.
Mansoori ke oonche pahaarr ho,
Jahaan Thaakur ji Nath padhaaren
Log darshan karen sukh paayen vo
Darshan se paap kat jaayen
On the mountaintop at Mussoorie,
Resides our Lord Nathji
People come before him and find bliss,
The sight of him gives a release from sins.