An Austrian holy man by the name of Many Cihlar met Shri Nathji in India and became greatly devoted to him. He would never miss a chance to secure Shri Nathji’s darshan whenever he came to India, and felt he had attained new heights of spiritual bliss every time he was before Shri Nathji.
There came a time when he went abroad and never returned. When Shri Nathji got a letter from him he replied to it in length with his usual love and humility. Shri Nathji wrote the long letter to him from Shadi Bhavan which Shyam Lal typed out meticulously and Shri Nathji later corrected. Extracts of the letter written from Shadi Bhavan on May 19, 1946 are as follows:
“My Dear Lover of God, Many Cihlar,
“Even though you remained physically far from me, yet I could see you in my mind’s eye. After so many years I could get your letter, but your were constantly in my subconscious during this time…
I know of the only unique thing to be obtained by man – and that is God…
I am not born for myself but for those who are striving after Realization, who are lovers of Divine Love, and seekers after truth…
These days I am busy writing books for the sake of humanity…”