Suppose for a moment that you have invited a very important person to your house, a V.I.P. You have many children in the house who are very troublesome and noisy. You are worried that when the honourable guest comes, the children will disturb him. Therefore you order the children out of the house.
Finally the guest arrives. He is pleased with your welcome and he sees the clean and neat house you live in. All of a sudden he asks you:
It is so silent here, there is not a sound. Don’t you have any children?
You tell him: Yes, Sir, I do have children but I have asked them to leave the house so that they do not disturb you!’
The honourable guest is greatly touched and says:
O no! It is much too quiet here without the children! Allow the children to come back inside so that I can play with them!
The honourable guest is God and the children are the desires of the world.