The address of Sukhdev Vats, which was to become Shri Nathji’s home for the next two months, was: 3rd Floor, 9 Mayfair Building, Churchgate, Marine Drive, Bombay.
It was an address that was to be immortalized by Shri Nathji. Perhaps it was for that one man that Shri Nathji had chosen to come to Bombay. It had been ordained ever since the dawn of creation that this meeting would take place.
Shri Nathji always said: “The tree and all its manifestations–the leaves and the branches and the flowers and fruits on it – were all contained in a seed. In a like manner everything that we see today was contained in the seed of creation at the beginning of time.”
Sukhdev’s flat had three bedrooms and a very large drawing room. It was ideally suited for Shri Nathji and his family. Shri Nathji’s room overlooked the main road from where he could get a glimpse of the seething humanity of Bombay, moving about on foot and in cars and buses.
As Shri Nathji stood at the window of his bedroom and looked at the road below, his Blessings went out in an invisible way to them, helping them and guiding them in diverse ways of which they were not even aware. Shri Nathji helped not only the people who came to them, his invisible help was reaching out to the humanity at large as well.
People from all walks of life came to him at Mayfair Building, and all received their full share of divine benedictions.
Amongst those who came, there were the rich and the poor, actors and actresses, Hindus, Muslims, Parsees, Sikhs, people of all faiths. Each received what he desired from Shri Nathji.
Shri Nathji was a universal river that quenched the thirst of all who had thirst in them. Above all he gave them a divine love that they had never experienced before in their lives. Untold miracles occurred all the time around Shri Nathji, but he would never even refer to them, far less advertise them as many holy men were fond of doing.