Several months after Shri Nathji had left Rajamundry, Narmada travelled all the way to Mussoorie to be present on the 23rd of June 1949, and stood up in the midst of the gathering there, telling them a most unusual tale that thrilled the hearts of everyone. Devastating floods had hit the Rajamundry area after Shri Nathji had left. It was one of the biggest catastrophies in years.
Narmada Hathi said:
As the flood hit the city, people began leaving their homes and fleeing. I was asked to pack up and leave, too. All my neighbours had left. But I refused to go. I refused to leave the house in which Shri Nathji had stayed.
“Shri Nathji’s photo was in the house. I sat before it and prayed. I was sure nothing would happen to me! And if I was swept away by the flood, I would die willingly, accepting it as Shri Nathji’s will.
“I clung to his picture. The floods hit the city with fury. The waters entered everywhere–but never did they so much as touch my house! The waters appeared miraculously diverted! It was all due to my faith in Shri Nathji, and it was his power that kept the waters away from my house!
When the people assembled at Mussoorie heard her, they said to Shri Nathji:
You have given us a wealth of spiritual treasures! But we lack the faith you have given this woman! She is a practical example of living faith! Pray bless us with similar strength!
Though there was some devastation in Rajamundry from the floods, yet a large part of the area and population was saved. It was all because Shri Nathji had graced the land with his holy feet in March 1949. These were unknown, unseen miracles of Shri Nathji which were to be revealed to very few persons, like Narmada.
After his tour of Rajamundry in March 1949, Shri Nathji had hoped to return to Allahabad.
However his devotees in Calcutta got news of his presence at Rajamundry and prayed earnestly to him to take a direct train to Calcutta from Rajamundry and to grace the city with his presence.
They feared that such an opportunity would not come again once Shri Nathji had returned to Mussoorie. Shri Nathji, who had no will of his own, allowed himself to be swayed by the prayers of the devotees and agreed to go to Calcutta, where the people thirsted for his darshan.
He had not been to Calcutta since 1940. The proprietors of the Jeevan Lal Aluminium Company were yearning for his darshan and blessings. For Shri Nathji, the rich and the poor were alike. Whereas on the one hand he had gone to fulfil the wish of the poor woman Narmada in Rajamundry, he was going now to fulfil the wish of the wealthy in Calcutta. He was like the sun, which was meant for all the eyes in the world.
It was thus on the 19th of March 1949 that Shri Nathji left Rajamundry for Calcutta via the Cuttack Route. The Bhutts and Shyam Lal Kasera were with him.