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Priya Nath is saddened at the thought that a Great Being like Shri Nathji was lying shut in from the rest of the world in his home, cut off from all of humanity, spending hours and hours of his precious time on individuals who came to see him at all odd hours, spending hours and hours of his precious time on correcting the erring home group of devotees. Zameen ko jab bhi chhorrenge munnavar auj kee khaatirWhenever I leave the world for the radiant heights of Glory above,This first video film of Shri Nathji would remain in history as a reminder of that hot day on the 22nd of July 1982 when Shri Nathji was sitting before the video camera and showering his light upon the people of the world. This film, as, indeed, other video films that Priya Nath made later, had a divine quality that brought Shri Nathji’s living presence before the viewers.