No book can do justice to an event of such staggering enormity. In a sense, this book seeks to describe the ocean from the shore. It seeks to describe the indescribable. It seeks to limit in words that which is without limits. At best the book gives small glimpses of the life of the Avatar on the earth in the twentieth centaury and is in no way a complete biography.
One great redeeming feature of the book is the fact that the paper on which it has been printed has been touched by His hands and made sacred by Him, Himself, and that many of the proofs of the book have been read by Him, thus rendering the book doubly sacred. For this, the author owes his thanks and acknowledgements to the Avatar.
The author owes his thanks and acknowledgements to all those who have helped in compiling and printing this book, several of whose names figure in the book itself. In particular, the author owes his thanks to Sudha Tekade who painstakingly and meticulously typed out the voluminous manuscript under very trying circumstances.
It is a matter of great consolation to the author that as time evolves and the years pass by, some portion of mankind will have gone through the pages of this book, and shall know that the twentieth century recorded the Advent of the Avatar.
For the rest, the author hopes that the readers of this book shall derive an inner inspiration from the pages of this book, which shall enable them to comprehend the Divine Form of the Avatar, and that they shall derive a lasting peace from this Realisation until the time they meet the Avatar themselves, face to face.
Shri Babaji Maharaj
One of the greatest saints of our time
Who entered this world quietly,
And who left it with the same degree of
And who gave to the world
an everlasting legacy–
The Avatar in the form of Shri Nathji.
Priya Nath Mehta
M.Sc., M.S. (Harvard) USA
31 st July 1979