Shri Nathji’s birthday came in June, in Mussoorie. It was 1935. His residence was small. He was living in Kahkashan at the time. Beneath the house was a large building, Kaashaana, by name. In it was resident Sir Sultan Ahmed, member of the Executive Council of the Viceroy of India. Sir Sultan Ahmed had met Shri Nathji on the Mall and had been greatly impressed by him. He had heard people of all religious faiths praise Shri Nathji as a great enlightened soul.
Shri Nathji looked down at Kaashaana. It had a big hall within, which would have been ideally suited for the celebrations. But the place was occupied by Sir Sultan Ahmed. Sardar Basant Singh who was Shri Nathji’s attendant at the time, prayed to Shri Nathji:
Huzoor, it would be nice if Sir Sultan Ahmed were to offer his large hall to us for the birthday celebration!
Shri Nathji said to Basant Singh that he must not make such a request since they hardly knew Sir Sultan Ahmed, and, besides, it would be unusual to ask any person to give his drawing room for someone else’s birthday celebrations.
However, Shri Nathji sent Basant Singh down to Kaashaana with an invitation card and a message: We hope you will be able to come. We also hope you will not mind the crowd–as many people are apt to come–and the disturbance created in your neighborhood by the music.
Sardar Basant Singh returned after giving the message to Sir Sultan Ahmed, and prostrated before Shri Nathji saying: Huzoor, you heard my prayer!
Sir Sultan Ahmed had read the invitation card and had then looked up at Shri Nathji’s residence, Kahkashan, and had said of his own accord: Won’t Kahkashan be too small for such a large celebration?
Sir Sultan Ahmed had sent a return message to Shri Nathji:
I thank you for your kind invitation to attend your birthday celebrations. I shall feel greatly honoured if you will celebrate the birthday in my premises. I have a lot of space here, which shall be most convenient for your guests.
Shri Nathji sent back word that he had accepted Sir Sultan Ahmed’s offer, and that it was a magnificent gesture on his part. Shri Nathji said:
It was the voice of my heart that reached you.
Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs were present at the function. Sir Sultan Ahmed sat on the ground close to Shri Nathji’s chair.
A local pandit, acting rather brashly, applied tilak to Shri Nathji’s forehead and that of Sir Sultan Ahmed and the others. This was Hindu ritual. Shri Nathji, who was sensitive about the religious sentiments of all, immediately drew a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Sir Sultan Ahmed:
You may wipe the tilak off with this, Shri Nathji said.
No, said Sir Sultan Ahmed, how can I wipe off from my forehead that which adorns your own?
“Jo cheez aapke maathhe par hai usse main apne maathhe se kaise mitaa saktaa hoon!”
It was another magnificent gesture.
Shri Nathji’s sermon that day reached stupendous heights. The Glory of God rained down upon earth.
Hazrat, Sir Sultan Ahmed said to Shri Nathji, I had heard everyone praise you wherever I went. But I had come with a critical mind. Now I feel exactly what the others have felt about you. I have but one question left: when will I hear you speak again?”
Every time Sir Sultan Ahmed saw Shri Nathji on the Mall in Mussoorie, he would immediately stop his rickshaw, and step out to greet him with great respect.
Many months later, when Shri Nathji was at Allahabad, he read of the death of Sir Sultan Ahmed’s wife in the newspapers. Shri Nathji wrote a long letter of condolence to Sir Sultan Ahmed at Patna, Bihar, which the latter received only after his return from Bombay.
It came as a tremendous consolation to me, Sir Sultan Ahmed wrote back, I read it again and again. My wife and I were a devoted couple since fifty years. While my Begum was alive, I did everything I could for her. But in the regions where she has gone, I can no longer do anything for her–whilst you can.
“Her passing away has revealed to me very clearly that I, too, must leave the world one day.
“Meri begun ke chale jaane ne mujhpar vaaziyaa kar diyaa hai ke ek din maine bhee chale jaanaa hai!
“I have seen the suffering that she had to endure during her last moments. I pray you to bless me so that my end, whenever it comes, will be peaceful!
“Kyaa main aapse darkhaast kar saktaa hoon ke meraa aakhri vakt jab aaye peaceful ho!”
Shri Nathji never forgot Sir Sultan Ahmed who remained alive in his sermons for years afterwards, even as Shri Nathji recollected how he had offered his house, Kaashaana for Shri Nathji’s birthday at Mussoorie. Shri Nathji’s prayers and good wishes–Duaa– always went out towards him all the time.