Shri Nathji’s unique method of reform was best illustrated by the following episode. Immediately after one of his sermons in Mussoorie at the Majestic Theatre, a Sikh gentleman in the audience, who always attended Shri Nathji’s sermons but who appeared to be prejudiced due to some personal ideology of communism, got up and began a loud harangue of criticism. He began by criticising Shri Nathji’s dress and royal bearing, and would have gone further, but for the pandemonium that ensued, during which the man was admonished by Shri Nathji’s younger brother, Prem Nath, and later pushed out of the hall by the audience.
Shri Nathji immediately went to him and put a hand across his shoulder. And then, while Shri Nathji talked, and he listened, the two walked around the Camel’s Back Road. At the end of the long walk, the man was a changed person. He bent down and touched Shri Nathji’s feet and said: Huzoor, permit me to remove my turban and clean your shoes with it! All my doubts are removed! There could be no better teacher than you! Your overpowering love has overwhelmed me. I am greatly repentant for having opposed you!
Those who began by opposing Shri Nathji ended by loving Him, and becoming His forever. Shri Nathji quoted from the Sikh writings:
Mardamaanash az hamaa paakeezaa tar
Khoob ruo khoob khuo khush sear
His lovers are the purest of all
Their faces are beautiful, their habits are beautiful
And their Nature is beautiful!