At Allahabad, H.S. Chopra had arranged for two rooms for Shri Nathji and his family in an old dilapidated house in a lonely area of the cantonment. The house was so old that it did not have any provision for ceiling fans, and the electricity remained frequently off for hours on end. The place was so full of mosquitos that in the evenings they came in swarms so large that it was like mist before the eyes.
The conditions were so primitive in this old house that Shri Nathji had to look for another place to stay. And once again the search for a house began in a city where Shri Nathji’s wealthiest devotee, H.S. Chopra, was living in luxury and had more than enough rooms in his house to have kept Shri Nathji with him indefinitely. But unfortunately there was not an iota of remorse in Chopra at that time.
Shri Nathji quoted Christ:
“The birds have nests, and the foxes have holes,
But the Son of God hath not a place to hide his head.”